02.12.2022 | США повинні зміцнити свої ядерні сили для стримування зростаючих ядерних загроз
Патті-Джейн Геллер - The Heritage Foundation

The United States must strengthen its nuclear forces in response to the significant growth in nuclear threats in recent years, especially from China. An effective nuclear force requires a long-term commitment, which in turn requires sufficient budget requests from the current and future Administrations and consistent funding from Congress. This undertaking should also address all areas of the aging nuclear enterprise, to include aging National Nuclear Security Administration infrastructure and nuclear component production capabilities. Nuclear weapons pose the only existential threat to the United States, and the United States must be prepared to meet the challenge.


China and other adversaries expand their nuclear forces, the U.S. faces a significantly more dangerous nuclear environment than previously anticipated.

The current nuclear force structure will likely not suffice to protect Americans from these growing threats and may increase the chance of deterrence failure.

The U.S. should enhance the size and capability of its nuclear forces to pace these growing threats and ensure strong nuclear deterrence into the future.

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